Research Topics

Our world has changed since first publishing this page nearly ten years ago;
Its "leaders" are becoming ever more self-seeking and incompetent with each passing year. And because they tend to be technically ignorant, they are becoming increasingly reliant on a scientific community that believes in magic, manipulating statistics to justify its sorcery.
This is making energy, fuel, transport and medicine critical issues for the future of the human race, but because the academic community is no longer independent, the qualifications issued by its institutions become highly suspect. CalQlata therefore believes that PhD theses cannot be relied upon, and that the general public and independent small-businesses must address these issues if our future is to be secured.


No nation on Earth can supply its own energy needs because they are clinging to misguided policies to generate energy from 'sustainable' sources; solar cells, radioactive matter, solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, fusion, etc., none of which are either sustainable or clean, and practical fusion isn't even possible here on Earth. They are also inefficient; consuming many times more energy in their research, design, manufacture, distribution, installation, operation and recycling than they will ever generate. What's more, the mining required for their manufacture pollutes significantly more than the energy sources we were using just 40-years ago.
At current rates, electricity costs for an average household (or industrial building) will have rocketed and availability dwindled to unsustainable levels within just a few years. And yet, our governments are imposing (not recommending) that we now rely on electricity for transport!!!
This policy is not only untenable, it is lunacy.


Governments the world over are forcing their citizens to change their transport fuels from petrol to electricity via batteries, under the misguided advice that electricity and batteries are clean and efficient; they aren't. For example; up to 30% of the energy expended in moving a battery-driven vehicle is lost in transporting the weight of its batteries alone, and the energy lost through electrical resistance in conductors is no less than the heat energy lost in the internal combustion engine.
Petrol is currently the most convenient, cheapest and cleanest domestic vehicle fuel available. Whilst its recovery is becoming ever more challenging, technological improvements are keeping it economic. Moreover, we had the technology to manufacture synthetic fuels more than 80-years ago; so, why do we not have cheap, clean, efficient synthetic fuels today?
As a fuel source, electricity via batteries is the worst possible option for today's vehicles.


We are desperately searching for driverless versions of the vehicles we use today; ships, lorries, cars, buses, trains, motorbikes and bicycles, airplanes and space-ships; all of which are limited, polluting, dangerous, expensive and inefficient.
The problem with this objective is that all of these vehicles travel in 1-D within the same 2-D environment as that in which we live and work.
Whereas the only way to make travel safe is to separate it from living/working space and to allow travel in 3-D, without the need to rely on the atmosphere to remain aloft. And the only way to do this is to propel our vehicles under constant acceleration to overcome gravity and massively reduce travel times (e.g. traverse the Atlantic in less than half an hour and reach the moon in three-hours). Proximity sensors will eliminate the chances of collision in vehicles that can travel in 3-D.
This can be achieved using the impulse-drive, which could have been available in 1972; Eric Laithwaite gave it to us; but a politician (Richard Marsh) rejected it in favour of a railway system that failed.
If adopted today (fuelled by neutron energy), we could have a safe, clean, quiet, fast transport system that will remain in place forever.


Most authorities in control of recycling do not understand the materials with which they are dealing, and the reason why so much recyclable matter is relegated to landfill.
For example; bio-degradable polymers are far more polluting than non-bio-degradable polymers because they are impossible to control and recycle, but their molecular chains still end up in the environment (soil, air, water, etc.). Moreover, bio-degradable products need constant replacement, which wastes energy, resources, materials and increase pollution.
There is only one infinitely recyclable material; elemental metals. Therefore, all packaging and bagging materials must be manufactured from flexible metals, as they can be 100% recycled eternally, and they can be cleaned with negligible to zero contamination.


Our pharmaceutical companies are free to milk the public for huge profits simply because today’s scientists do not understand the atom.
But that has changed. A workable mathematical model of the atom now exists, and can be used to establish mathematical chemistry, which no longer needs to rely on experimentation and sign-language. Mathematical chemistry could give us perfect medicines and chemicals in seconds from a computer terminal using semi-skilled operators at negligible cost, eliminating the opportunity for shareholders and directors to determine a patient’s right to live or die dependent upon his or her ability to ‘pay’.


With a little effort, in just a few years, and at very little comparative cost;
every person in the world could have access to free, clean, safe energy, and;
everyone can have a clean, safe, fast means of transport in a single vehicle - cost-free fuel - that can travel anywhere on earth and throughout the solar system, and;
we can have instant perfect medicines and chemicals tailored to our individual needs, for negligible cost.
We could therefore eliminate virtually all; roads, bridges, tunnels, railroads, railway stations, refuelling stations, fuel exploration, recovery and refining systems, energy transmission systems, power-stations, wind turbines, solar panels, hydro-electric dams, coastal ports, airports, launch pads, chemical and medical laboratories, batteries, etc. forever;
thereby eliminating the means whereby our "leaders" can impose control for personal greed.

Research (suggestions)

All the difficult work has now been done, all you need to do is finalise the details and build prototypes, see below.


All universal energy is stored in (and released from) neutrons, which are created inside the core of bright stars by raising the temperature of proton-electron pairs to neutronic through planetary spin. To our (CalQlata's) knowledge, no nuclear physicist understands this, and is therefore the reason why nuclear energy is today reliant on the critical mass of radioactive matter.
But neutrons are in all matter; iron, rock, mud, wood, polymers, waste, nuclear waste, etc. Moreover, the by-product of neutron splitting is hydrogen; it is clean. And there is sufficient energy in all the neutrons within just a few millimetres of the earth's crust to serve the human race until the next 'Big-Bang'.
For example; there is sufficient energy in a 100 gramme beach pebble to fuel a domestic house for 75-years or a domestic vehicle for even longer. What's more, the release of neutron energy is more than 2,000,000% efficient, safe and clean; once initiated, it can feed itself.
All we have to do is find a practical method for raising the temperature of a few atoms in the core of, say, a pebble to neutronic using laser technology. To control its release, all you have to do is alter the applied heat, or remove the heat source to terminate it.

The only research required is the creation of a working fuel cell.


Whilst the energy released from all fuels is stored in their neutron's, some fuels can be forced to release it more readily than others; petrol is one such fuel. And petrol is simply refined vegetable matter. It cannot be beyond the wit of man to convert natural vegetation to a fuel source just as we do with fossil fuels, which are no more than compressed and aged vegetation. The only thing we need to do is concentrate the vegetable matter to an extent that the energy density (J/kg) is maximised. Given the alternative source from neutrons, though, this can (and should) be a temporary expedient until neutron energy can be realised, because no fuel can ever be as efficient, clean or safe as the recovery of energy from neutrons directly.

The only research required here is the improvement of the fuel synthesisation techniques employed by the Nazis in the 1940s.


A linear motor in the form of a toroid (impulse-drive) is all that is needed to create a universal vehicle.

There is no research required to realise the vehicle, you only need to build it.


Elemental metals can be alloyed to create any properties you wish, but first you need to understand how atoms work and interact. In other words, it is important to understand the mathematical laws governing the state of matter.
Whilst the atomic model and the laws governing the state of matter now exist (and are available on this website), some research work is required to verify and fine-tune them:
laboratory tests must be carried out on as many metals as possible in datum conditions; 100%-pure crystals, vacuum, 0K temperature, zero-gravity, etc.

Once complete - and ratified - the [atomic] model may be used to design the best alloy for your purposes, using mathematics to predict its properties.


The same mathematical models apply to all chemicals, including medicines. Once finalised, molecular mathematics may be used to compare viruses and cancers with natural (and unnatural) chemicals that will not interfere with particular DNA chains.
Such computer models and databases may be made available to the general public through a genuinely independent and ethical organisation, which naturally excludes all governments and pharmaceutical companies, to ensure that such models and databases may not be used for extortion or weapons.

Because the mathematical model for atoms and their interaction now exists, the only research required is the development of this model to show how molecules work (mathematically) and the creation of a molecular calculator. Keith Dixon-Roche claims to know how to do this, but due to universal apathy, he prefers to leave this for you to work it out for yourselves.

Further Reading

You will find further reading on these subjects in the Books, Science, Investment and Research sections of our useful stuff webpage....