Fusion is the union of proton-electron pairs and/or atoms to create a different element. It is accomplished by applying sufficient force to push the nucleus of one atom inside the electron shells of another (Fig 1). This process is much easier to accomplish in viscous matter as the repulsion force between adjacent atoms is low. As the temperature of atoms rises, so too do their repulsive forces, due to their increasing electrical charges (∑eꞌ), exactly as Coulomb told us; this force is what pushes atoms apart as a gas.
Atomic fusion can only occur naturally inside cold bodies with sufficient mass to generate the necessary core pressure such as galactic force-centres, the Great Attractor and the ultimate body (between Big-Bangs). This is because; a) these bodies are cold, making fusion possible, and; b) the core pressures are sufficient to overcome the very low electrical repulsion force in [cold] atoms.
A Russian; Lev Andreyevich Artsimovich invented the 'Toroidal Kamera Magnetic' (abbreviated today to 'Tokamak'), which was built in 1963 to generate fusion energy. About the same time, the European venture; Joint European Torus (JET) project was launched to do the same thing.
In 1991, the JET project managed to release 2-MegaWatts of energy for an input of 15-MegaWatts, confirming that you need to put more energy into fusion than you will recover (see Calculation Example below). However, the accelerator concerned may not even have generated this (2MW) energy from fusion but actually released the energy stored in impacting neutrons; fission.
Scientists today believe that a star’s energy comes from fusion and is the sole reason they have decided to fuse atoms at extremely high temperatures. But because of the huge forces required to achieve fusion under such conditions, they have decided to do so using toroidal accelerators. This is not only hit-and-miss technology; it is expensive and very inefficient. Much more energy is required to achieve fusion than is recovered from the process. Yet today, nearly 60-years later, we are still desperately trying to generate power from fusion, because scientists still believe that this is the source of the sun's energy.
This is a bemusing notion as fusion is not the source of our sun's energy. How could it be, when as with all stars, our sun is growing larger with age. Fusion increases density. If fusion was indeed the source of a star's energy, it should be diminishing with age, not swelling.
Also, as PVRT shows us, the repulsive force between atoms increases with rising temperature, i.e.; pressure increases with temperature in any contained gas. So the temperature in the core of any star, being millions of Kelvin, is unlikely even from a logical point of view, to be generating fusion naturally.
Nature always defaults to the lowest energy condition. Therefore, because the repulsion force between atoms is low in cold bodies, and gravitational attraction in the core of massive [viscous] bodies is high, it is logical that this is where we will find fusion occurring naturally.
Moreover, core-pressure theory tells us that there is insufficient pressure inside our sun (or any star) to generate the forces required to fuse atoms at any temperature (see The Mathematical Laws of Natural Science; §13.4.2).
The most important clue regarding the generation of heat in celestial bodies is that planetary spin is a continual process, whereas immediately two atoms are fused, the release of energy ceases; fusion is not a continual process. Moreover, fusion occurs naturally due to a celestial body’s mass. In order for fusion to become a continual process, the body would need to continually, and significantly, increase its body mass, which is exactly what occurs at the end of a universal period, as all universal matter re-accretes into another ultimate body prior to the next 'Big-Bang'. This is where 99% of universal fusion occurs naturally.
In addition to which, the energy released by fusion is only 20% of the compression energy (see calculation example below) induced by its body mass, whereas our sun, for example; is continually releasing more than 230 times its internal spin-friction energy.
A star's hydrogen (proton-electron pairs) cloud is the by-product of fission, not fusion. It is the ultimate state of matter after fission has completed its natural cycle of neutron energy release.
The reason so much effort is still being put into generating fusion energy, is because the only way we know how to generate energy from fission is by using the critical mass of radioactive matter, which is a dangerous and unstoppable process. And this is so because nobody appears to know where fission energy originates.
As this is no longer the case, we should drop these futile attempts to generate fusion energy and revert to natural fission, from non-radioactive matter. Neutrons are present in all matter; iron, rock, garden waste, etc. Natural fission can be achieved cheaply and simply with no risk to its users because its fuel is safe and the fissionable process is adjustable, and can be stopped altogether when required.
Moreover, the fuel source is inexhaustible; one-metre of the earth's crust contains enough energy to last mankind for 10¹⁴ years, and the fuel cell can be any size and manufactured cheaply, unlike a toroid.
There are some very good reasons why fusion energy still doesn't work after 60-years of trying:
1) It is based upon false science.
2) It needs more power than it generates.
3) The toroidal system is expensive and inefficient.
4) It still needs a centralised generator and power transmission lines.
5) It doesn’t actually work.
So, this begs the question; why are so many businessmen, academics and politicians wasting so much time (and tax-payers') money building hugely expensive equipment based upon a scientific concept that can never work?
Energy generation from natural fission, however, is safe, cheap and simple. We could have working cells in just a few years at a tiny fraction of the cost of Tokamak.
Natural fission energy cells can be manufactured in any size or power rating. What’s more, its fuel is free, safe and requires no mining or processing, and its by-product is hydrogen; just like our sun. Moreover, this form of energy generation will eliminate the need for centralised power generators and transmission lines;
thereby making free, safe, clean energy available to everybody on this planet forever.
When atoms or proton-electron pairs are fused together, a small amount of EME will be released as their electrons rearrange themselves in their shells. The energy released, however, will be considerably less than that required to fuse the atoms. For example, @ 30°C:
The total electron kinetic energy in a carbon atom = 7.29997E-20 J
The total electron kinetic energy in an iron atom = 1.26627E-19 J
Individually, they generate a total of: 1.99626E-19 J
United (as Germanium), they would generate: 1.34614E-19 J
Releasing: 6.50124E-20 J
The total potential energy in a carbon atom = -1.45999E-19 J
The total potential energy in an iron atom = -2.53253E-19 J
The energy required to unite these two atoms would be: -3.8598E-19 J
Representing a nett energy input of: -3.20968E-19 J
Therefore, it is necessary to input 3.2E-19 Joules of potential energy in order to release 6.5E-20 Joules of kinetic energy; in other words, you need to input five times as much energy as you’re releasing. Fusion requires the input of energy; it does not generate energy. That is why Hades is cold, why we cannot see the 'Great Attractor' and 60 years of trials have yet to produce a practical fusion reactor.
You will find further reading on this subject in reference publications(69, 71 & 73)