The Universe

Cover of publication The Universe

How it really works!

From Copernicus to Poincaré, science gradually - but inevitably - progressed. We discovered ever more about our universe. New laws were established, such as; thermodynamics, mathematics and the conservation of energy, with which every new discovery was expected to comply. Britain's Royal Society's motto was (and still is); 'take nobody's word for it'.

But then, at the beginning of the twentieth century, everything changed; such compliance became unnecessary.
Albert Einstein mistakenly applied Isaac Newton's force law to light, assuming that light possesses mass (photons), and found that it didn't work, so he deformed space, time and gravity around celestial bodies to account for his error, and declared Isaac Newton's laws faulty. The entire academic community automatically accepted his claims because they could neither prove nor disprove them. He declared that his theories need not obey the basic laws of physics because they were somehow superior, 'on a higher plane'. But more than a century later, not one of them has been proven, observed or verified. In fact, they can all be easily disproved.
Einstein's claim; that Newton was wrong, and that his own theories needed no verification, fuelled a century of misinformation; uncertainty, sub-atomic particles, black-holes, dark matter, quantum theory, inflation, cosmic egg, zero-energy, negative energy, worm-holes in space, singularity, anti-matter, event-horizon, curling universal planes, Gideon's knot, string-theory, etc., none of which relate to the known laws of physics - or even to each other - nor have they been verified, observed or proven. And the scientific world is spending a fortune (of tax-payer's money) searching for confirmation, and a unification theory to unite them.
This mythical approach to science has led to a multitude of completely independent branches that rely on their own unique nomenclature, units and rules; mechanics, chemistry, electricity, physics, optics, heat, atomic, biology, nuclear, genetics, materials, astronomy, etc., all of which still rely on guesswork (experimentation) to utilise.

But what if Einstein was wrong and Newton was right?

Well; light does not possess mass; there are no such things as photons. And it has now been clearly demonstrated that Newton's theories can explain everything in the universe, not only with regard to celestial bodies, but also the atom. All of a sudden, these myths become unnecessary and we don't actually need a unification theory.
In fact, everything can now be mathematically verified, shown to reflect reality and obeys the known laws of physics; and apart from Max Planck's contribution, it was all available to us before the twentieth century.
Every branch of science - without exception - may now be explained using only four basic constants; elementary electrical charge, elementary magnetic charge, time and distance, and just two particles related by two ratios; static and dynamic (and π), and it is all based upon energy and charge.
The universe - and everything in it - has become a single simple unified system.

This book is a non-technical description of how it all works.

The Book

Below is displayed the list of chapters and the introduction to the book.

Whilst this book is non-mathematical, everything in it has been mathematically proven.
The maths and the physics are provided in the following supporting publications:
The Atom
The Life & Times of the Neutron
The Physical Constants
Theory of Spin
The Mathematical Laws of Natural Science


All of the paperback and digital versions of this book have been published through Amazon Books and can be acquired from their website. The following Table provides direct links to the relevant Amazon webpage for each version of the book.

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