
This page is Keith Dixon-Roche’s view of the human tragedy as he sees it. He does, however, offer a solution.

The Tragedy

Every government in the world today functions on the basis of personal greed, and must therefore ultimately fail:
Every dictatorship in the past has failed, and inevitably, all of those in existence today will also fail.
Every democracy operates in perpetual failure; the survival of these countries is due to their populations, not their governments.
Despite the proliferation of governing authorities (local, regional, national, global, etc.), not one is regulated by a faction that is, or has ever been, free from corruption and open to its constituents, which is why we know that politics as we understand it today - doesn’t work. Moreover, the market economy on which all countries are dependent, places greater importance in the money they accumulate than for the services and products offered in return; hence the market economy is responsible for [all] personal greed.

Politics Today

Politics is the control and exploitation of the many by the few⁽¹⁾. It is, and always has been, responsible for all the world’s problems.

It is an irony that those best suited to administer a nation’s resources, are neither inclined nor available to do so. Unfortunately, only those least suited⁽¹⁾ are eager to put themselves forward, which is the reason our world is in such a mess; and worsening daily. Let’s see if we can summarise some of the most prevalent problems:

1) All the world’s governments are acutely inefficient and incompetent. Generally, more than 85% of the wealth created by a nation’s taxpayers, ends up in its government’s coffers (due to multiple-dipping), whereas that figure in an average commercially viable business today would be between 15% and 25%. Moreover, the services provided by such governments diminish and deteriorate with each passing year⁽²⁾.

2) We have a market economy in which the 'few' ferret away 80% of the money earned by the world's 'many' (that should have been poured back into the economy) into private offshore bank accounts.

3) We have justice systems run by practitioners that prefer to convict the innocent if it results in greater personal wealth and prestige.

4) We have local and regional authorities that completely ignore central government guidelines along with their rate-payer’s needs and wishes, and are protected from correction by that same central government. Moreover, central governments use tax payer’s funds to create ‘acts of law’ that they then refuse to enforce unless paid to do so.

5) We have police forces that no longer interest themselves in crime, they are simply supplemental tax collectors⁽³⁾.

6) We have academic institutions that long ago lost any interest in truth and honesty, like the 'few', they will support and promulgate any fantasy⁽⁴⁾ if it means greater wealth.

7) Charities; tax-free companies that exist so their bosses can live on permanent luxury holiday at somebody else's expense.

8) We, 'the gullible', believe everything presented by a media system that will acknowledge anything declared by any of its creations (or investors), irrespective of its lunacy.

9) We have created armies giving decision-making responsibility to those who could pay for their commission, rather than to those of ability.

10) Almost every company in the world is reducing its service and product quality whilst increasing its monetary demands. Everyone covets everybody else’s cash but wants to do the least possible in return for it.

11) None of the world’s economists (including bankers and chancellors) have any idea how to predict or control the market economy, yet they extort excessive earnings from the ‘many’ for their ‘expertise’.

etc., etc.

The above, and much more besides, has led to the proliferation of; disparate, inefficient, polluting forms of transport⁽⁵ᵃ⁾ and energy generation⁽⁵ᵇ⁾; prohibitively expensive, mostly ineffective and dangerous drugs⁽⁵ᶜ⁾ and chemicals⁽⁵ᵈ⁾; and variably effective (but largely dismal) waste and pollution control⁽⁵ᵉ⁾, because such projects provide never-ending profit for the 'few'.
Due to their inability to satisfy the populations that detest them, together with their incompetence, the 'few' are now isolating themselves from the 'many' to avoid accountability.

Political Systems

We have two political systems in the world today; tyranny and democracy, neither of which work, and both of which are dependent upon a market economy that only benefits the 'few'.

Tyranny encompasses all forms of dictatorship; religion, communism, Naziism, militia, government institutions, civil service, etc., the dictators of which have no interest in truth, justice, ethics, fairness or in fact any sense of decency. Their sole aim is to maximise oppression in order to satisfy their personal greed for wealth and power. This form of politics, is of course wrong, and responsible for all global conflicts⁽⁶⁾. Everyone knows it is wrong, and why it is wrong; yet it persists. Even the much-vaunted United Nations stands idly by whilst tyrants destroy nations⁽⁷⁾.

Democracy is a little more difficult to explain. On the one hand, it pretends to represent the people of a nation. But in reality, it does no such thing. The vast majority of democratic authorities are run by those who are singularly unfit⁽⁸⁾ for the task. Their only qualifications are their exaggerated sense of self-importance, and that they expect the 'many' to pay for their extravagant lifestyles.

Every political party in the world, irrespective of its predisposition, exists for itself, its members have no interest in the people they pretend to represent.

The most serious issues we have today are; energy, medicine, materials, transport and [genuine] pollution, every one of which can now be solved (forever) at very little cost⁽⁹⁾. In fact; we could permanently eliminate virtually all of our existing infrastructure⁽¹⁰⁾, as it need no longer be necessary, removing the opportunity for the 'few' to 'cook-the-books' for personal gain; and returning authority to those that earn it. And therein lies the problem, those that control us will not surrender their benefits lightly!

Time, however, is against us; it cannot be too long before the disillusioned 'many' rise up and kick out the 'few', bringing the entire rotten system to an ignominious end. But unless a better system is already in-place and working, the result will again be global conflict. We need to replace today’s systems with one that works for everybody before falling into revolution, but with what?

A Solution

There are many possible solutions to the above, but all of them are dependent upon the elimination of its principal causes of grief; religion, greed, patriotism and racism. If the human race is to survive, these causes must be eradicated.
Religion is a manmade political invention to enforce control and generate wealth for its administrators. It was founded upon a lack of scientific understanding in prehistory; pagan worship. And the concept of a single ‘God’, is nothing more than a means to maximise its target pool. It is sometimes claimed that religious institutions are the last remaining bastions of sanctuary, but it is difficult to argue this point given that over the last 5000-years - and even today - religion is alone responsible for more death and misery than any other political scam; it must be replaced with common sense. Patriotism and racism would vanish with the removal of national borders and freedom of movement, taking with it ‘greed for power’. Eliminate money, and the system is complete.
But to accomplish this, a global administration system would be required to organise [fairly] the basic needs of the human race; energy, transport, medicine, food and accommodation, within which corruption is impossible.
Central Administration System (CAS)
A global administration system still has the opportunity to feed corruption for a chosen few. Therefore, CAS should not be allowed to receive any form of incentive or remuneration, only to distribute it, and such distribution must be based upon facts; not preference.
The planet could be divided into suitable zones, such as; untouched; industrial; agricultural; residential; etc.
It would control the molecular calculator for the population’s medicinal and material needs, ensuring that it cannot be used for weaponization.
All of its employees will be limited to six months service to minimise the opportunity for individuals to develop personal agendas. Their only function is to keep records and monitor personnel movement (via IDV and Liberty Belt) for policing and emergency purposes.


Just as the removal of speed limits would not result in an increase in road accidents⁽¹¹⁾ today, even if we are granted the basics for a comfortable existence (food, energy cell, IDV, Liberty-Belt, accommodation, medicines) most of us would prefer to be useful than indolent. But any such work would be on a voluntary basis, for which the volunteers would be awarded credits that could be used for luxury purchases and individual trade.


Today's educational institutions have one overriding goal; to enforce belief in authorised truths, the voracity of which is irrelevant. And each institution is judged by its rating in the national statistics of its student’s memories. In other words, academia today is no different to the religious institutions it replaced. It does not encourage freedom of thought; it promotes brain-washing.
Therefore, we must eliminate institutionalised education. Internet learning that is not exam based - as exam results do not define (or even indicate) a student’s abilities - can be made available for all those eager to learn. Independent assistance can be made available via the internet allowing individuals to develop new ideas. Certificates and ‘qualifications’ will not be issued as they are, to all intent and purpose, meaningless. The vast majority of the world’s most capable, knowledgeable, intelligent and useful individuals have never seen the inside of a university, and many have never even been to school, whilst the most ‘qualified’, still believe in sub-atomic particles, the deformation of space, time and gravity, black-holes and dark matter!!

Financial Greed

A solution to this problem could be to rid ourselves of money, eliminating its source. This proposition isn't as daft as it might seem. After all, our market economy has only existed since we developed farming 5000 years ago, which represents only 5% of our existence. And this last 5% of the human race is responsible for 100% of its greatest tragedies. As hunter-gatherers, which constituted the previous 95% of our existence, mankind lived a relatively peaceful life; there was no mass murder and few wars, greed could not be fed because there was nothing to steal. Since we established farming, and gave credence to religion, the technically most competent and successful communities became targets for greed; violence and crime proliferated.
Whilst money in its strictest sense would not exist, a universal system of credits awarded to working volunteers could be made available - the value of which would not be based upon gold as it is today but on people; the population of the earth - but no individual can be permitted to accumulate more than a limited quantity.


Our biggest problems are that the human race has a natural tendency to the following characteristics;
anything between apathy and greed, ensuring that success favours the greediest;
arrogance and bigotry, ensuring that success favours the most obdurate.
Therefore, individuals or groups - including our police forces - cannot be allowed ascendancy over more than a small (local) section of the population. A police force’s only function should be to quell disruptive and illegal behaviour. It can have no authority to impose fines, and its members that exceed their authority, should be dealt with harshly.


Most of the world’s legal systems today were based upon a proposal by the original English Barons in Clause 40 of the Magna Carta; “to no one shall we deny or delay, and to no one shall we sell, the right to justice”. Every legal system in the world - tyrannical and democratic - does the exact opposite. They all exist today for the sole purpose of increasing the wealth of their practitioners. Therefore, every legal system in the world must be turned on its head.
Laws themselves must be unambiguous. They must not be written in such a way that practitioners can enhance their fees or manipulate the outcome of a case on the basis of complexity and interpretation.
The entire legal system must be based upon justice, right and wrong, convicting the guilty and protecting the innocent.


The above is simply a suggested overview, there are of course numerous suitable alternatives. Whilst details for any system must be worked out and introduced gradually, there are a few actions that require urgent attention:

All the money held in offshore bank accounts must be put back into the economy.

Politicians must not be permitted to control on the basis of ‘spin’, lies and personal agendas. Moreover, their income from tax-payers must be limited to a minimum wage; which is perfectly justifiable given their contribution⁽¹²⁾ to the communities they pretend to represent.

Government departments must be forced to develop technologies that will actually solve issues, rather than perpetuate projects that can never succeed for the purpose of eternal profit.

Educational institutions must be forced to encourage freedom of thought.

The media must be forced to validate all claims it publishes and broadcasts⁽¹³⁾.

Clause 40 of the Magna Carta must be enforced.

The following must be developed and produced;
The Molecular Calculator (mathematical chemistry)
Neutron Energy
IDV & Liberty-Belt
All remaining changes would become much easier to introduce once the above has been accomplished.


  1. usually those with negligible technical and scientific competence from the criminal, legal and financial professions; politicians, business despots, organised criminals, senior civil servants, legal professionals, bankers, etc.
  2. e.g. VAT, national postal services, British Leyland, British Rail, Britain rejecting the jet engine 6-years before the start of world-war II, British military experts rejecting Tommy Flowers’ Colossus, France’s and Russia’s unpreparedness for Nazi invasion despite years of prior notice, incomplete Maginot line, failing health systems, battery-driven vehicles, toll charges on roads already paid for by the tax-payer 8-times over, 11-million pounds sterling charged to the tax-payer for a minor modification to two small round-abouts (Oxford, England), etc.
  3. vehicle speed limits and braking distances.
  4. fusion energy, hadron collider, 'sustainable' energy sources, nuclear power using radioactive materials, search for non-existent features such as; dark matter, black holes, event horizons, sub-atomic particles, space deformation, man-made global warming, etc.
  5. a) cars, ships, buses, trains, airplanes, spaceships, rockets, bicycles, etc.; b) nuclear, coal, oil, gas, wind, solar, wave, hydroelectric dams, etc.; c) cancer treatment, covid and flu vaccinations, cold remedies, etc.; d) lead-based conduits and containers, leaded petrol, diesel fuel, etc.; e) land-fill, radioactive waste, burning wood and coal, plastic packaging, etc.
  6. Japan, Germany, Iraq, Iran, North Vietnam, Argentina, Russia, Rome, Mecca, etc.
  7. e.g. Slobodan Milošević (Serbia); Félicien Kabuga (Rwanda); Charles Taylor (Sierra Leone), Muammar Gaddafi (Libya), Pol Pot (Cambodia), Saddam Hussein (Iraq), François Duvalier (Haiti), Stalin and Putin (Caucuses, Ukraine, Mongolia), etc.
  8. politicians (local, regional and national) and senior civil servants.
  9. The Molecular Calculator, Mantle Energy, Drag Reduction, Neutron Energy, The Neutron Energy Cell, The Impulse Drive, The IDV, The Liberty Belt, etc.
  10. roads; bridges; tunnels; railroads; railway stations; refuelling stations; fuel exploration, recovery and refining systems; energy transmission systems; power-stations; wind turbines; solar panels; hydro-electric dams; coastal ports; airports; launch pads; chemical and medical laboratories; batteries; etc.
  11. the removal from our roads of all speed limits would not result in an increase in dangerous driving. This is well understood by all governments and the reason they deliberately do not collect such accident statistics.
  12. Along with criminals and lawyers, politicians are one of the few professions, the removal of which, can only benefit the human race.
  13. Such validation cannot simply be a statement from an institutional ‘expert’, as this would be an ‘authorised’ opinion and therefore misleading or more likely, incorrect. Statements must be supported by actual, mathematical or physical proof..

Further Reading

You will find further reading on this subject in every newspaper around the world