Physics Calculator v1

Price: £30.00 (£30.00 Inc. VAT)
The properties and behaviour of all universal matter


Physics is the mathematical description of natural science. All of the mathematical laws of physics, from atomic particles to the 'Big-Bang' can be found in publication;
'The Mathematical Laws of Natural Science

For over a hundred years now, scientists have been trying (and failing) to unify all of the prevailing scientific theories. None of which can be universally verified, correlated or interrelated in any way or form.

The above publication has overcome these problems by generating a single unified universal theory based upon the work done by pre-20th century scientists, and Max Planck - the only 20th century scientist necessary to complete this work.


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All of the mathematical laws provided in the above publication are included in this calculator.

Physics is divided into specific, generic subjects from; the scientific constants, through atoms and orbits to the 'Big-Bang'.

It also includes a prodigious amount of information concerning our solar system and the Quanta of which it comprises.

Physics also provides a list of the co-ordinates for mapping the opposing electrical and magnetic forces that cause a proton-electron pair to unite as a neutron.

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Physics Calculator - Options


The calculation of all physical constants based upon just 4-Primary constants, 2-Primary ratios and a bizarre property of 3E-91.
Whilst only the principal constants; e.g. Coulomb, Newton, Rydberg, Planck, etc. are listed in the output data, every principal physical constant (>70) can be found via menu item; 'Data Listing>Constants', all of the values for which are exact. There are no approximations or estimates.

You enter and the physics calculator will provide:
  • electron mass
  • elementary charge unit
  • neutronic period
  • neutronic radius
  • static ratio
  • dynamic ratio
  • Σ
  • neutronic temperature
  • Newton's gravitational constant
  • Coulomb's constant
  • coupling ratio
  • Planck's constant (modified)
  • magnetic constant (fundamental)
  • permittivity constant (vacuum)
  • Rydberg's energy constant
  • Rydberg's wave number
  • temperature [velocity] constant
  • temperature [shell] constant
  • velocity constant
  • ideal gas constant
  • Boltzmann's constant
  • Avogadro's number

Proton-Electron Pair

Calculates the properties of a proton-electron pair, including [circular] orbital radius] velocity, acceleration, force, energies, etc., all of which are calculated accurately for the entered temperature. This option also calculates the properties of the electro-magnetic radiation emitted by the proton-electron pair at the same temperature.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • temperature
  • orbital radius
  • orbital period
  • constant of proportionality
  • proton mass
  • electron mass
  • electron velocity
  • potential acceleration
  • potential force
  • potential energy
  • kinetic energy
  • total energy
  • constant of motion
  • proton spin energy
  • electron spin energy
  • electro-magnetic frequency
  • electro-magnetic wavelength
  • electro-magnetic amplitude
  • electro-magnetic energy
  • electro-magnetic charge


An atom is a collection of proton-electron pairs, the electrons of which are organised into orbital shells of radii (two per shell) such that the electrical-charge repulsion and attraction forces balance. This option calculates the total (overall properties of the atom at a given atomic-temperature) along with the properties of the electron(s) orbiting in the atom's outermost shell. You may use the Proton-Electron Pair option (above) to calculate the properties of the inner shell-electrons.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • atomic number
  • temperature
  • neutronic ratio
  • number of shells
  • outermost shell radius
  • atomic mass
  • total kinetic energy
  • total potential energy
  • total energy
  • outermost shell temperature


Matter is a collection of atoms either as a gas or in viscous form. This option calculates the properties of same-element atoms, that settle into a natural crystal (or lattice) structure. It will tell you whether the matter exists as a gas or as viscous matter at the temperature entered. It also predicts the density of the viscous matter and the pressure of the atoms as a gas at a given density and temperature. It does not use the well-known ideal gas formula (P.V = n.R.T) to predict this pressure, it uses the potential energy between adjacent atoms, however both calculation methods generate exactly the same results.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • atomic number
  • relative atomic mass
  • molecular number (gas)
  • temperature
  • gas density
  • atomic separation distance
  • nuclear lattice factor
  • specific heat capacity
  • repulsive electrical force
  • attractive magnetic force
  • matter density (viscous)
  • gas transition temperature
  • gas pressure

Orbits (planets, moons, general)

This option calculates the properties of all the planets and some comets in our solar system. To obtain correct orbital properties for our solar system, you simply click on the appropriate planet (or comet). Whilst the correct input data for each planet (or comet) is stored in this calculator, it may be altered as desired. However, to revert to the correct input data (for our solar system), you simply use the menu item; 'File>Reset Default' to change all the data in the calculator to the correct as-stored values.
For lunar calculations, you select the appropriate planet and all of its moons will be listed below. You then simply select the appropriate moon.
For stellar or general calculations, you may enter whatever data you wish. Resetting the data will insert input data for our sun's orbit in this option.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • orbital period
  • perigee radius
  • force-centre mass
  • satellite mass
  • angle through orbit
  • apogee radius
  • half major axis
  • half minor axis
  • orbital eccentricity
  • half orbital parameter
  • focus distance
  • force-centre to orbital centre
  • orbital area
  • orbital length
  • constant of proportionality
  • orbital radii
  • orbital velocities
  • potential accelerations
  • potential forces
  • potential energies
  • kinetic energies
  • total energy
  • constant of motion


This option calculates the spin properties in planets (or stars). It also calculates the differential spin-rates between a planet's core and its mantle. The default planet in this option is for the earth. The output differential energy (Eδ), which is generating the internal mantle heat in the planet, may be used together with the specific heat capacity of its internal matter to predict the planet's internal temperature.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • orbital period
  • half major axis
  • force-centre spin energy
  • sub-satellite energy
  • satellite radius
  • satellite spin period
  • satellite core radius
  • satellite core density
  • radial modifier
  • orbital spin energy
  • total spin energy
  • CORE and MANTLE:
  • masses
  • radial modifiers
  • spin energies
  • polar moment of inertias
  • angular velocities
  • differential spin energy
  • differential angular motion

Core Pressure

This option calculates the internal pressure at any radius within a body comprising up to seven layers of different densities. The calculation is based upon Isaac Newtons formula G.m₁.m₂/R²

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • layer radii
  • layer densities
  • core pressures at radii
  • polar moment of inertia
  • mass


This option calculates the minimum and expected mass needed to compromise the integrity of a neutron due to gravitational energy from core pressure. It also allows the use of factors that will predict the size and mass of the universe together with the average initial velocity of the mass ejected.

You enter: and the physics calculator will provide:
  • Coulomb's constant
  • Newton's gravitational constant
  • elementary charge unit
  • neutron mass
  • neutronic energy
  • neutronic ratio
  • energy factor
  • mass factor
  • minimum ultimate body mass
  • minimum ultimate body quanta
  • ultimate body mass
  • ultimate body quanta
  • universal mass after 'Big-Bang'
  • average initial velocity

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