Aerodynamics Calculator v1

Price: £26.00 (£26.00 Inc. VAT)

Aerodynamics calculator


Aerodynamics is the study of gas molecules as they flow around objects. Its greatest benefit is its inducement of lateral motion in airfoils; either up (lift) in aircraft wings or down (force) in vehicle spoilers.

An airfoil achieves lateral movement by altering the air velocity over two opposite faces. The faster the air travels, the lower its pressure.
Up-lift is induced in an aircraft wing, due to the faster air travelling over its upper surface, lifting the aircraft off the ground.
Down-force is induced in a vehicle spoiler for the opposite reason; forcing the vehicle into the ground and therefore increasing frictional grip between its tyres and the road surface.

Whilst these calculations are relatively straightforward once they are understood, they can be a little confusing to the uninitiated.
Aerodynamics provides a user-friendly solution for those with a limited knowledge of the subject, but with a need.


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The aerodynamics calculator determines the dimensional properties of both high-lift and low-drag airfoil sections including the expected 'angle of attack' that will result in zero-lift, and the expected lift-force when the angle of attack is zero.
Aerodynamics also calculates the performance characteristics of an airfoil at various non-zero angles of attack for both up-lift and down-force applications.

Whilst both airfoil performance calculation options are 'stand-alone', they allow for the automatic transfer of input data from the dimensional calculation options if preferred.

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Aerodynamics Calculator - Options

High-Lift Airfoil

This calculation option is for the dimensional aspects of a high-lift airfoil.

You enter and the aerodynamics calculator will provide:
  • airfoil velocity
  • airfoil length
  • leading edge to maximum thickness
  • radius of leading edge
  • airfoil span
  • maximum thickness
  • airfoil area
  • air density
  • air pressure
  • chord length
  • airfoil aspect ratio
  • maximum camber
  • upper surface radius
  • length of upper flat tail section
  • height of upper flat tail section
  • upper surface length
  • angle of attack that gives an horizontal underside
  • angle of upper surface at leading edge
  • angle of upper surface radius
  • average air pressure on upper surface
  • average air pressure on lower surface
  • pressure differential
  • static pressure
  • dynamic pressure
  • upper surface air velocity
  • lower surface air velocity
  • velocity ratio
  • lift force
  • angle of attack for zero lift

Low-Drag Airfoil

This calculation option is for the dimensional aspects of a low-drag airfoil.

You enter and the aerodynamics calculator will provide:
  • airfoil velocity
  • chord length
  • leading edge to maximum thickness
  • radius of leading edge
  • airfoil span
  • maximum thickness above chord-line
  • maximum thickness below chord-line
  • airfoil area
  • air density
  • air pressure
  • maximum camber
  • airfoil aspect ratio
  • upper surface radius
  • length of upper flat tail section
  • height of upper flat tail section
  • upper surface length
  • angle of upper surface at leading edge
  • angle of upper surface radius
  • average air pressure on upper surface
  • lower surface radius
  • length of lower flat tail section
  • height of lower flat tail section
  • maximum airfoil thickness
  • lower surface length
  • angle of lower surface at leading edge
  • angle of lower surface radius
  • average air pressure on lower surface
  • pressure differential
  • static pressure
  • dynamic pressure
  • upper surface air velocity
  • lower surface air velocity
  • velocity ratio
  • lift force
  • angle of attack for zero lift

Airfoil Performance

This calculation option is for the performance aspects of an airfoil when fitted to an aircraft.

You enter and the aerodynamics calculator will provide:
  • angle of attack
  • angle of attack @ zero lift
  • airfoil velocity
  • airfoil area
  • chord length
  • maximum thickness
  • airfoil span
  • air density
  • air pressure
  • induced angle of attack
  • effective angle of attack
  • leading edge to aerodynamic centre
  • centre of pressure to aerodynamic centre
  • lift force coefficient
  • drag force coefficient
  • pitch moment coefficient
  • roll moment coefficient
  • yaw moment coefficient
  • lift force
  • drag force
  • normal force
  • tangential force
  • resolved force
  • pitch moment
  • roll moment
  • yaw moment
  • induced drag coefficient
  • induced drag force
  • downwash velocity of the air
  • effective velocity

Spoiler Performance

This calculation option is for the performance aspects of a spoiler when fitted to an vehicle.

You enter and the aerodynamics calculator will provide:
  • angle of attack
  • angle of attack @ zero lift
  • airfoil velocity
  • airfoil area
  • chord length
  • maximum thickness
  • airfoil span
  • air density
  • air pressure
  • induced angle of attack
  • effective angle of attack
  • leading edge to aerodynamic centre
  • centre of pressure to aerodynamic centre
  • down- force coefficient
  • drag force coefficient
  • pitch moment coefficient
  • roll moment coefficient
  • yaw moment coefficient
  • down-force
  • drag force
  • normal force
  • tangential force
  • resolved force
  • pitch moment
  • roll moment
  • yaw moment
  • induced drag coefficient
  • induced drag force
  • upwash velocity of the air
  • effective velocity

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