Wherever possible, CalQlata use standard symbols (as we understand them). However, as there is no such thing as universal consistency, CalQlata applies the following symbols to its calculations:
If you cannot find the symbol you are looking for, e.g. MA or yx in the list below, you should search for the first character, e.g. M (moment) & y (distance) and then look for the second character in the list of suffixes, e.g. A (end 'A') and x (horizontal direction).
Symbol | Meaning |
a |
Maths: length |
a |
Hydrodynamics & Engineering: acceleration see also Derivative Symbolism at the bottom of this page |
aₒ |
Physics: Bohr radius |
ap |
Electrical: apparent power |
A |
Maths: angle |
A |
Engineering: area |
A |
Engineering: amplitude or deflection (dynamic) |
Aƒ |
Engineering: amplification factor |
Atm |
Engineering: atmospheres |
b |
Maths: length |
b |
Engineering: breadth (width) |
B |
Maths: angle |
B |
Engineering: buoyancy |
c |
Maths: length |
c |
Dynamics: viscous damping coefficient |
c |
Hydrodynamics: celerity |
cp |
Thermodynamics: specific heat capacity at constant pressure |
cv |
Thermodynamics: specific heat capacity at constant volume |
Cp |
Thermodynamics: Heat at constant pressure |
Cv |
Thermodynamics: Heat at constant volume |
C |
Temperature: Celcius or centigrade |
C |
Maths: angle & circumference |
C |
Electrical: capacitance |
C |
Engineering: coefficient |
C |
Fluids: Cauchy number |
Ca or Cm |
Hydrodynamics: added mass coefficient |
Cd |
Hydrodynamics: drag coefficient |
Cᴸ |
class |
₵ |
Engineering: centreline |
₠ |
clearance |
d |
Engineering: depth |
d |
distance |
d |
Time: day |
e |
Stress: strain |
e |
Maths: eccentricity |
e |
Physics: elementary charge |
E |
Stress: Young's modulus |
E |
Fluids: Euler number |
E |
Thermodynamics: total energy |
Engineering: end cap force |
Ef |
Stress: flexural modulus |
EI |
Engineering: bending stiffness |
ƒ |
Fluid Dynamics: Colebrook's fanning friction factor |
ƒ |
Engineering: frequency |
ƒⁿ |
Engineering: natural frequency |
F |
Engineering: force |
F |
Temperature: Fahrenheit |
F |
Fluids: Froude number |
g |
gravitational acceleration |
G |
Engineering: shear modulus (modulus of rigidity) |
h |
Time: hour |
h |
Engineering: height |
h |
Thermodynamics: specific enthalpy |
h |
Stress: Weibull parameter |
h |
wind chill factor (kcal/m2/h) |
h |
Physics: Planck's constant |
ħ |
Physics: Dirac's constant |
H |
Engineering: composite second moment of area (product of Ixx & Iyy) |
H |
Thermodynamics: enthalpy |
I |
Engineering: inertia (mass) |
I |
Engineering: second moment of area (moment of inertia) |
I̊ |
Engineering: rotational (moment of) inertia |
I |
Electrical: current |
J |
Engineering: polar moment of inertia |
J |
Thermodynamics: mechanical equivalent of heat |
Jͫ |
Thermodynamics: mechanical equivalent of heat |
k |
Engineering: spring constant |
k |
Hydrodynamics: wave number |
k |
Engineering: bulk modulus |
K |
Temperature: Kelvin |
Kc |
Engineering: Keulegan-Carpenter number |
KE |
Physics: kinetic energy |
ℓ |
Engineering: part length |
L |
Electrical: inductance |
L |
Engineering: total length |
Lon & Lat |
Survey: longitude and latitude |
m |
Engineering: mass |
mₑ |
Physics: mass energy |
mᵣ |
Physics: rest-mass |
ḿ |
Engineering: slope Whilst 'm' means slope in maths (e.g. y=mx+C), engineering has no standard symbol for 'slope' |
mn |
Time: minute |
M |
Fluids: Mach number (fluid flow) |
M |
Engineering: moment |
Engineering: minimum bend radius |
MMC+ |
Engineering: maximum metal condition |
MMC- |
Engineering: minimum metal condition |
n |
number |
p |
Engineering: momentum |
p |
Engineering: pressure |
p |
Hydrodynamics: period |
p |
Electrical: power |
p |
Work & Energy: Power, momentum |
pdl |
Engineering: poundal |
pf |
Electrical: power factor |
pₒ |
Work & Energy: Power (if used alongside pressure) |
P |
Engineering: pitch |
PC |
Fluids: pressure coefficient |
PE |
Physics: potential energy |
Q |
Fluids: quantity flow rate e.g.: |
Q |
Electrical: charge |
Q |
Thermodynamics: heat energy |
r |
radius / inside radius |
ɍ |
radius of gyration |
R |
Temperature: Rankine |
R |
radius / outside radius |
R & R̿ |
Electrical: resistance |
R |
Thermodynamics: gas constant (ideal gas) |
Rₐ |
Thermodynamics: specific gas constant (ideal gas) |
Rᵢ |
Thermodynamics: universal gas constant (ideal gas) |
Rᴺᵒ |
Fluids: Reynold's number |
revolutions per second |
revolutions per minute |
Rv |
Fluids: velocity ratio |
s |
Thermodynamics: specific entropy |
s |
Stress: primary stress |
s |
Time: second |
S |
Thermodynamics: entropy |
S |
Stress: principal stress |
Ṡ |
Stress: maximum principal stress |
Ṣ |
Stress: minimum principal stress |
Ṩ |
Stress: most damaging principal stress |
S |
Fluids: Strouhal number |
SG |
specific gravity (relative density) |
t |
time |
t |
Engineering: thickness |
T |
Engineering: torque |
Ṯ |
temperature |
u |
initial velocity |
U |
Engineering: energy |
U |
Stress: utilisation |
U |
Thermodynamics: internal energy |
Uᴷ |
Thermodynamics: kinetic energy |
Uᴾ |
Thermodynamics: potential energy |
v |
Hydrodynamics & Engineering: velocity see also Derivative Symbolism at the bottom of this page |
v |
Thermodynamics: specific volume |
V |
volume |
V |
vector |
V |
Electrical: voltage |
w |
Engineering: distributed load (per unit length) |
W |
General: width |
W |
Engineering: weight |
W |
Fluids: Weber number |
W |
Thermodynamics: work |
x |
distance (horizontal) |
X |
Electrical: reactance |
y |
Maths & Engineering: distance (vertical) |
y |
Engineering: distance from neutral axis |
y |
Engineering: deformation or deflection (static) |
z |
Hydrodynamics: distance (vertical) |
Z |
Fluids: head |
Z |
Electrical: impedance |
Z |
Engineering: section modulus |
Ø |
Diameter |
α |
Engineering: linear expansivity |
α' |
Engineering: square (area) expansivity |
α" |
Engineering: cubic (volumetric) expansivity |
αᴿ |
Electrical: temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity |
α |
angle (degrees) |
β |
angle (degrees) |
γ |
specific weight |
γ |
Thermodynamics: ratio of specific heats |
ε |
Engineering: efficiency |
ε |
Maths: error |
ζ |
Engineering: stability parameter |
ζ |
Dynamics: viscous damping factor (damping ratio) |
η |
Hydrodynamics: profile |
η |
Stress: damage ratio |
θ |
angle (degrees) |
κ |
Electrical: conductivity |
λ |
Engineering: thermal conductivity |
λ |
Physics: wave length |
μ (or ƒ) |
Engineering: friction coefficient |
μ |
Physics: magnetic field |
μ |
Fluids: dynamic viscosity |
ν |
Fluids: kinematic viscosity |
ν |
Stress: Poisson's ratio |
ρ |
Materials: density |
ρᴹ |
Chemical: molecular density |
ρᴿ |
Electrical: resistivity |
ϵ |
Engineering: surface roughness |
σ |
Fluids: surface tension |
σ |
Stress: equivalent and general stress |
τ |
Stress: shear stress |
φ |
angle (degrees) |
φ |
Engineering: phase angle |
ω |
angular frequency |
Datum: |
e.g. Ṯᴰ A datum value is defined by a superscript capital 'D'. The example shown here is for temperature. |
Prefixes: |
δ |
variation or range |
y |
yocto (1E-24) |
z |
zepto (1E-21) |
ɑ |
atto (1E-18) |
f |
femto (1E-15) |
p |
pico (1E-12) |
n |
nano (1E-09) |
μ |
micro (1E-06) |
m |
milli (0.001) |
c |
centi (0.01) |
d |
deci (0.1) |
da |
deka (10) |
h |
hecto (100) |
k |
kilo (1000) |
M |
mega (1E+06) |
G |
giga (1E+09) |
T |
tera (1E+12) |
P |
peta (1E+15) |
E |
exa (1E+18) |
Z |
zetta (1E+21) |
Y |
yotta (1E+24) |
Suffixes: |
₁ |
Fluids: in |
₂ |
Fluids: out |
₀ to ₉ |
Engineering: sequencing |
a |
Engineering: anchor |
ᵅᵛᵉ or v̅ |
average note a bar above a letter (e.g. v̅) is sometimes used as an abbreviation for average in the calculators |
a |
Hydrodynamics: added mass |
A, B, etc. |
Engineering: end or position |
ᶜ |
Maths: angle in radians |
ₑ |
Stress: equivalent |
fl |
Engineering: fluid |
h |
Stress: hoop |
h |
Engineering: horizontal direction |
ᵢ |
Engineering: internal |
ᵢ |
Stress: index |
l |
Stress: longitudinal |
m̂ or min |
minimum A 'ʌ' above any letter indicates a minimum value |
m̌ or max |
maximum A 'v' above any letter indicates a maximum value |
mm |
Engineering: … about weak/strong axis |
n |
Stress: nominal |
nn |
Engineering: … about strong/weak axis |
ᴺᵒ |
Number (as in Reynolds, Euler, Mach, etc.) |
ₒ |
Engineering: outside / external |
o |
Stress: total |
% |
Engineering: packing |
p |
Stress: primary |
P |
Stress: principal |
r |
Stress: radial |
t |
Engineering: terminal |
ᵀ |
total |
u |
Stress: ultimate tensile stress |
v |
Engineering: vertical direction |
w |
Engineering: wall |
x, y, z, etc. |
Engineering: horizontal, vertical, etc. position or direction |
xx, yy, zz, etc. |
Engineering: … (about) fundamental axes (xx, yy, etc.) |
xy, xz, etc. |
Engineering: … (about) compound axes (xy, xz, etc.) |
ỵ |
Stress: minimum yield |
Derivative Symolism |
Hydrodynamics & Engineering: velocity and acceleration In addition to the conventional symbols used for velocity ('v') and acceleration ('a'), CalQlata occasionally adopt the following mathematical symbols where improved recognition is assumed for groupings ('x' is provided as an example character, any character is equally valid): velocity = ẋ acceleration = ẍ |