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Product ID 00065
Pressure Vessel (ASME VIII) Calculator v1
Pressure Vessels calculates the minimum wall thickness or maximum pressure of stiffened or unstiffened circular vessels (incl. heads) exposed to int. or ext. pressure according to ASME VIII
Product ID 00014
Reel Capacity Calculator v1
Reels calculates the maximum length of cable, cord or pipe your specified reel will accommodate, or how big your reel or bobbin needs to be to accommodate your specified length of cable
Product ID 00037
Resolution of Forces Calculator v1
Our resolution of forces calculator converts up to 10 individual force vectors into a single equivalent force vector
Product ID 00042
Screw Thread Class Calculator v1
Our screw thread class calculator is used to define the tolerances and strengths of metric and imperial screw threads according to ASME B1.13M-2005 (ISO 965-1) and ASME B1.1-2003.
Product ID 00016
Screw Thread Strength Calculator v1
Our thread strength calculator contains a database of std metric and imperial screw threads including BA, UN, UNEF, UNF, UNC, UNS, BSW & BSF and calculates strengths and torque rates ...
Product ID 00001
Second Moment of Area Calculator v1
Area Moments calculates the moment of inertia (second moment of area) and radius of gyration of regular and irregular solid and hollow shapes
Product ID 00048
Shaft Calculator v1
Shafts calculates the performance characteristics, including natural frequency, of a rotating shaft with four different bearing support options
Product ID 00075
Sheets (rectangular plates) Calculator v1
SHEETS calculates the behaviour - under load - of a rectangular plate (or sheet) with any edge support configuration.
Product ID 00034
Shock Load Calculator v1
Shock Loads calculates the conditions resulting from a mass impacting a beam, plate or undefined body at a specified velocity with various end and edge support conditions.
Product ID 10002
Spin Theory v1
A ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a book explaining why planets and stars spin on their axes. This is the first and only theory ever created for this phenomenon.
Product ID 00025
Spring (helical) Strength Calculator v1
Our helical spring strength calculator determines the performance and dimensions of round, square or rectangular wire springs manufactured from any material.
Product ID 00050
Spring Coefficient Calculator v1
The spring coefficient calculator provides the spring constants for beams, shafts, plates, springs, plates, etc. with various end support conditions
Product ID 00015
Steel Beam Sizes DataBase v1
Our steel beam sizes database contains the structural properties of well over 600 common extrusions/forgings incl. H-Beam, I-Beam, Channel, Angle, Rectangular and Tubular Hollow Sections (RHS ...
Product ID 00036
Stress Concentration Calculator v1
Stress Concentration determines the stress intensification factors in the immediate viscinity of a shape discontinuity such as a notch or goove in a flat or round bar or a plate
Product ID 00068
Structural Floor Calculator v1
Floors determines the dimensions for specified materials intended for use in a structural floor of a given size and deflection
Product ID 00005
Table of Elements v1
Our periodic table of the elements database provides their properties and an active periodic table allowing you to sort all the elements according to any properties you select
Product ID 10004
The Atom v1
A ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a book explaining the workings of the atom; Newtonꞌs atom.
Product ID 10009
The Flying Saucer v1
A ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a book explaining how to design and manufacture a flying saucer (impulse drive vehicle).
Product ID 10008
The ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a science-fiction book; the Liberty Belt.
Product ID 10007
The Mathematical Laws of Natural Science v1
A ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a book explaining the mathematical laws of natural science; from atoms to the ‘Big-Bang’.
Product ID 10005
The Neutron v1
A ꞌ.pdfꞌ version of a book explaining the origin and purpose of the neutron, that can offer us all; clean, free, eternal energy.

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