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Wood Properties DataBase v1

Price: £15.00 (£15.00 Inc. VAT)
Wood properties database


Wood is an organic, fibrous material that is still used either for structural or decorative purposes in most of the world's buildings and structures.

All woods are generally defined as hardwoods (from deciduous trees) or softwoods (from coniferous trees), either of which can be harder or softer than the other. All woods - hard and soft - comprise a similar quantity of cellulose; 40% to 50%. It is the lignin (15% to 35%) and hemicellulose (20% to 35%) quantities that vary with wood type and origin. All woods contain less than 1% mineral naturally.

Some pseudo woods (heavy grasses and reeds), such as bamboo and palm, are similarly used around the world.


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Woods is a comprehensive and simple to use database of more than 110 of the world's woods and their principle physical properties in metric and Imperial units, the numerical values of which can be found and sorted with no more than two clicks of your mouse. It includes eleven plywoods and two fibreboards.

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The metals properties database includes the following:

  • Scientific Name
  • Type (hard or soft)
  • Density
  • Elastic modulus
  • Rupture modulus
  • Compression strength
  • Thermal conductivity
  • Janka hardness
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Durability class
  • Differential shrinkage (rad)
  • Differential shrinkage (tan)

Sorting a particular property, will also sort all 'Names' and 'Type' into the same order.

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