The Proton-Electron Pair

Cover of publication The Proton-Electron Pair

A Proton-Electron Pair

The proton-electron pair is the smallest and most important building block in nature’s arsenal. All universal matter is made from atoms, and all the universe’s atoms comprise proton-electron pairs.

It is fundamental. There is no structure or assembly more basic than the proton-electron pair. It comprises a single proton and a single electron, both of which are indivisible packets of electro-magnetic charge of opposite electrical polarity. Rotate one about the other and you have a generator, emitting electro-magnetic energy, which is the means whereby proton-electron pairs transfer energy between each other.

If you understand how this works, and it is very simple, the atom, the molecule and the states of matter become clear. And all you need is a basic understanding of maths.

The proton-electron pair is the hydrogen atom (H). On its own, hydrogen atoms cannot coalesce in a viscous state due to their same polarity (+e'), but with one or two attached neutrons, deuterium (D) or tritium (T) respectively, they can coalesce as a liquid.

Hydrogen is the final product of fissionable decay, after an element’s loss of all of its neutrons in the core of bright stars and planets.

Every atom comprises collections of deuterium and tritium, which are also the culmination of elemental fission in bright stars and planets, the proportion of which is the element’s neutronic ratio.

The Book

Below is displayed the list of chapters and the introduction to the book.


This book is the inaugural study in physics, it applies to all branches of science; astronomic, atomic, nuclear, material, chemical, organic and inorganic. From here you can understand, the atom, then the molecule, then matter, etc. etc. But you must begin here.


All of the paperback and digital versions of this book will be published through Amazon Books and may be acquired from their website after publication.

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